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UNC-Lenovo 2018-2019 Project

The Digital Muse Meets the Scholarly Essay

This project brings together assignments, sample projects, and instructional videos with an emphasis on training undergraduate and graduate students to mix media elements for scholarly purposes. The assignments take a low-barrier approach to creating texts that integrate audio, video, and interactivity. Most of the activities can be accomplished in a unit with freely available software or with applications available to students through UNC-Chapel Hill’s Adobe Creative Cloud resources. The projects are also designed to teach students to think rhetorically as they go about composing with multimedia. In addition to the five digital projects below, we also provide assessment videos in which students reflect on their composing and learning.


1. Book Review (Video Trailer)

2. Poetry Analysis (Remix Video)

3. Sonic Storytelling (Audio Essay)

4. Moving Visuals (Viral Images)

5. Literature Review (Book Cover Design)